To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many officials were employed by his Department to administer, inspect, regulate and advise the farming and fishing industries either directly, in agencies or on special contracts (a) in 1992 and (b) at the latest available date; how many people are involved in (i) farming and (ii) fishing, full or part time, in Wales; and if he will make a statement.
Information on the numbers of staff in the Welsh Office and its agencies, and the number of people involved in farming and fishing in Wales is set out in the departmental report, Cm 2215, which is available in the Library of the House. Although it is not possible to isolate the staff resources denoted to the specific activities listed by my hon. Friend, the report does contain detailed information on the functions performed by the Department and the resources consumed. The most recent information on the numbers involved in farming is given in Welsh Office press notice published on 6 January 1993.