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No 1 Parliament Street

Volume 227: debated on Wednesday 23 June 1993

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To ask the Chairman of the Accommodation and Works Committee (1) what contracts are still outstanding for ongoing maintenance at No. I Parliament street with building contractors who were involved in the modernisation of this building; and to what extent they are still liable for the responsibility of repairing defects which now exist within this building;(2) if he will list the defects which have been reported and repaired at No. 1 Parliament street since January;(3)if he will make a statement on the reasons for the defects in the cooling and ventilation systems at No. 1 Parliament street; when this system will be working correctly; what action is being taken to disperse cooking smells in the building; and if he will make a statement.

The main contractor's liability period for engineering defects expired in March 1992, but the company is still carrying out residual work on the circle lock doors and the cooling system which have failed to meet the required standards. No other major defects have been reported or identified although, of course, day-to-day maintenance is undertaken within the building to cover minor items which naturally arise.There have been few complaints about cooking smells in the building. The capacity and performance of the cooling system will be improved following work to balance the distribution of the output and improve water filters and valves. This work is expected to be completed in July. In addition, the Director of Works is investigating whether the ventilation system is working to full efficiency.