To ask the right hon. Member for Berwick-upon-Tweed. representing the House of Commons Commission, if he will make a statement on the Vote Office.
In April 1992 Vote responsibility for parliamentary printing, publications and supply services was transferred from Her Majesty's Stationery Office to the House. An interim arrangement was entered into with HMSO to ensure continuity of existing services. In May 1993, the House of Commons Commission approved in principle the establishment of new systems for the management of the printing and publishing requirements of the House. The particular aim of the changes was to bring closer together within individual Departments the management responsibility for generating House docu-ments and the financial responsibility for paying for those publications. As part of this process, the Commission has agreed the transfer of the Vote Office from the Library Department to the Clerk's Department with effect from 1 November 1993; and the creation within that Office of improved facilities for the production of certain internal House documents.