To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the various studies he has commissioned or put out to tender to consider the need for widening the M25 beyond eight lanes and the sections of the M25 to which they apply.
Three commissions have already been let to study the need for the feasibility of providing more than four lanes on the M25. They relate to the following sections:
- Junctions 10–12 (A3 to M3)
- Junctions 12–15 (M3 to M4)
- Junctions 15–16 (M4 to M40)
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he intends to announce a preferred route for the link roads proposed alongside the M25 from junctions 12 to 15.
My right hon. Friend hopes to have completed his consideration of the issues to enable a decision to be issued soon.
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what studies he has carried out to date into the effects of building link roads alongside the M25 between junctions 5 and 28 on (a) pollution including carbon dioxide emissions, (h) development pressures and (c) sites of nature conservation and landscape importance.
Each individual scheme's environmental statement includes an assessment of the impact of the proposals on both atmospheric pollution and any land to he affected. No studies have yet been carried out into development pressures resulting from M25 widening proposals.