To ask the Secretary of State for Education by what statutory authority he either permits or prevents any local education authority or governing body of a school wholly dependent on public funds to engage teachers on pay less than that of agreed national scales or without professional qualifications recognised in the United Kingdom; and if he plans to bring forward proposals for any change of the law in either respect.
Under the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1991, school teachers employed by local education authorities or by the governing bodies of voluntary schools must be paid in accordance with a school teachers' pay and conditions document given force by an order of the Secretary of State. School teachers employed by the governing body of a self-governing—grant-maintained—school must also be so paid unless the school has sought exemption from the Act. The Act does not apply to teachers employed by other kinds of school or by private agencies.Under the Education (Teachers) Regulations 1993, teachers employed at a school maintained by a local education authority, a self-governing—grant-maintained —school or a non-maintained special school must ordinarily possess qualified teacher status as defined in the regulations. There are exceptions for licensed teachers; overseas trained teachers; student teachers; and certain existing unqualified teachers; and a suitable unqualified teacher may be appointed if no suitable qualified teacher, licensed teacher or overseas trained teacher is available. This part of the regulations does not apply to other kinds of school. The Act and the regulations apply to England and Wales.My right hon. Friend has no current plans to bring forward proposals for changing the law in respect of these matters.