To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what proportion of drinking water inspectorate reports have been released to the public during the last three years;(2) pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Oxford, East (Mr. Smith) of 12 July,
Official Report, column 325, if he will indicate the criteria which are used to establish whether a drinking water inspectorate report reveals issues of general interest or provides lessons to be learnt.
Since the drinking water inspectorate was established on 2 January 1990 it has investigated 127 incidents affecting drinking water quality and made public three reports. In all other cases copies of letters addressed to water companies summarising the inspectorate's conclusions and recommendations have been sent to the local authorities, district health authorities and customer services committees concerned, to the Office of Water Services and others who have expressed an interest. Whether or not reports need to be published is decided against the criteria given in my answer to the hon. Member on 12 July at column 325.