To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many ratepayers have been threatened with prosecution as a result of the Rate Collection Agency computer at Newtownabbey, County Antrim being unable correctly to record more than one direct debit from an individual bank account; and if he will make a statement.
Rate collection operational matters are the responsibility of Mr. David Gallagher, chief executive of the Rate Collection Agency. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Mr. D. Gallagher to Mr. Roy Beggs, dated 20 July 1993:
I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question about the number of ratepayers threatened with prosecution as a result of the Rate Collection Agency computer being unable to record more than one direct debit from an individual bank account.
This is the only occasion on which any indication of a relationship between the unavailability of the direct debit payment facility and the threat of prosecution has come to my attention.
It is indeed correct that the Agency's existing computer system limits offering the use of the direct debit payment method to those ratepayers who pay rates for one property from one bank account. The structure of the computer system meant that it was not cost effective to avoid this limitation when introducing the direct debit payment facility in 1989 and it has been our practice to identify this fact in all Agency promotional material for direct debit. I enclose for your information a copy of our 1993–94 leaflet where you will find the relevant reference at the bottom of page 4.
The existing computer system is rapidly approaching the end of its useful life and the Agency at present is developing a replacement system which when operational in 1995 will facilitate the widest use of direct debit.
There is no reason however, why any ratepayer should be threatened with prosecution for non-payment because direct debit is not available to them. Such ratepayers are offered the Bank Standing Order facility or another payment method suitable to them.
I hope this will clarify the situation but should you wish me to investigate an individual case please let me know.