To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many women have been asked to name an absent father at benefit officers in (a) Strathclyde and (b) Scotland as a whole; how many have demurred; and how many have been recalled for further interviews.
The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for Mrs. Ros Hepplewhite, the chief executive. She will write to the hon. Member and a copy will be placed in the Library.
Letter from Ros Hepplewhite to Dr. Norman A. Godman, dated 20 July 1993:
As Chief Executive of the Child Support Agency it is my responsibilty to answer questions about relevant operational matters. I am therefore replying to your recent Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of State for Social Security asking how many women have been asked to name an absent father at benefit offices in Strathclyde and Scotland as a whole; how many have demurred, and how many have been recalled for further interviews.
All maintenance application forms (MAFs) issued to parents with care who approach the Agency ask for the name of the absent parent and the great majority of parents with care name the absent parent on the form. However, we do not hold separate information on the number of MAFs issued locally in Strathclyde, or in Scotland as a whole.
A total of 128 parents with care of children were interviewed in Strathclyde in connection with their maintenance applications during the period 5 April to 30 June 1993. A total of 252 were interviewed in Scotland as a whole. In Strathclyde, 22 parents declined without good cause to co-operate with the Agency in arranging maintenance, while in Scotland as a whole, there were 60. None of the parents concerned have been recalled for subsequent interviews.
Interviews are not a routine part of the process of arranging child maintenance and more than three-quarters of the Agency's clients choose with us by post and by telephone without the need for face-to-face contact. However, where necessary, perhaps because a client is unable to complete the Maintenance Assessment Form or is reluctant to do so, arrangements will be made to discuss matters with them at their local office or at their home.
I wish to stress how carefully we consider such cases and hope that you find this reply helpful. A copy will appear in the Official Report and a copy will also be placed in the Library.