To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) what protection he intends to introduce for the domestic coal consumer in Northern Ireland after the proposed privatisation of British Coal; and what proportion of homes in Northern Ireland depend on coal as a main source of heat;(2) what safeguards he will introduce to ensure that the households in Northern Ireland which use coal as their main source of heat are not exploited by monopolies following the proposed privatisation of British Coal; and how many households in Northern Ireland use coal as their main source of heat.
Suppliers of coal to households in Northern Ireland are subject to the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 and will continue to be so. Approximately 321,000 households in Northern Ireland —61 per cent. of the total—use coal as their main source of heat.
To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what steps he proposes to take to ensure that elderly people with coal as their primary source of heat are not disadvantaged under the proposed privatisation of British Coal.
The Government's proposals to help secure the future of the coal industry should lead to a more efficient industry producing coal at reduced costs, thus benefiting all coal users.