The Review Body will make other recommendations as it sees fit
in order that the level of remuneration for the groups covered by its remit is sufficient to ensure, over time, the recruitment and retention and motivation of suitably able and qualified people to exercise their different responsibilities;
to ensure that, as appropriate, the remuneration for the remit groups relates coherently to that of their subordinates, encourages efficiency and effectiveness, and takes account of the different management and organisational structures which may be in place from time to time;
to relate reward to performance where appropriate;
to maintain the confidence of those covered by the Review Body's remit that its recommendations have been properly and fairly determined; and
to ensure that the remuneration of those covered by the remit is consistent with the Government's equal opportunities policy.
In making recommendations, the review body shall consider any factors which the Government and other witnesses may draw to its attention. In particular it shall have regard to:
differences in terms and conditions of employment between the public and private sector and between the remit groups, taking account of relative job security and the value of benefits in kind;
changes in national pay systems, including flexibility and the reward of success; and job weight in differentiating the remuneration of particular posts; and
the need to maintain a broad linkage between the remuneration of the three main remit groups, while allowing sufficient flexibility to take account of the circumstances of each group.
The Review Body will take account of the evidence it receives about wider economic considerations and the affordability of its recommendations."