To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the total catch of (a) sandeels and (b) other fish in the Shetland sandeel fishery during 1995. [34128]
In total 1,165 tonnes of sandeels were caught and under 10 tonnes of by-catch taken from the Shetland sandeel fishery during 1995.
To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) how many vessels fished, and for how many days in 1995, within 5 km of the special protection areas (a) around Noss, (b) around Foula and (c) in Mousa Sound; [34130]
(2) what was the total catch of sandeels during 1995 within 5 km of the special protection areas (a) around Noss, (b) around Foula and (c) in Mousa Sound. [34129]
The information requested cannot be provided as fisheries statistics are not collected in this form.