To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will list for the UK, Germany and the USA the pre-tax rates of return for manufacturing and non-financial corporations in each year since 1980; [35360](2) what has been the rate of return on manufacturing since 1970
(a) in the United Kingdom and (b) in other main industrial countries. [35256]
Information on United Kingdom net rates of return for manufacturing companies since 1970 is available from the CSO's shared database, which can be accessed through the Library of the House. Latest data were published on 11 July 1995 in the CSO "First Release" on 'Profitability of UK Companies' (CSO (95) 136). Information on rates of return in other main industrial countries since 1970 is published in Table 14 of the OECD's "National Accounts, Volume II".