To ask the President of the Board of Trade what assistance his Department has given to British companies exporting arms to Nigeria since 1993. [2878]
[holding answer 28 November 1995]: The Department has not been involved in the promotion of any defence sales to Nigeria since 1993.
To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many export licences for military equipment to Nigeria have been granted in 1995 and into which military category list they fell; in how many cases in which export licences for the export of arms to Nigeria have been granted since 1993, equipment has not yet been delivered to Nigeria; and under which military category list the equipment falls. [5403]
Earlier this year detailed statistical analyses of export licences which were granted for military, para-military and security equipment in the calendar years 1993 and 1994 were placed in the Library of the House. These analyses included all countries of destination for which these licences were issued, including Nigeria. Early in 1996, I intend to place in the Library of the House a similar analysis for the full calendar year 1995. I shall write to the hon. Member when this is done. The Department of Trade and Industry, under the export licensing system which it administers, does not require exporters to report to the Department details of shipments of goods which have been so licensed. An export licence is valid for two years from its date of issue.