To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many staff are currently employed by the Radio Communications Agency to evaluate reports from the five type-approvals laboratories with regard to granting CE marks under the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive. [4699]
[holding answer 7 December 1995]: Fourteen staff are engaged in the handling of type approval and EMC certification applications which are received from a wide range of manufacturers, dealers and importers.
To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) if he will ensure that Scope Marketing (Communications) Ltd., Totnes, has a CE mark granted to it by the Radio Communications Agency before 1 January 1996; [4701](2) when he expects Scope Marketing (Communications UK) Ltd., Totnes, to be granted their CE mark by the Radio Communications Agency under the electromagnetic compatibility directive; how many requests have been submitted for this CE mark; and how many CE marks have been granted under the electromagnetic compatibility directive. [4700]
[holding answer 7 December 1995]: The Radiocommunications Agency has currently no application from Scope Marketing (Communications UK) Ltd. for an EC-type examination certificate under the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 1992 No. 2372.The agency has received 96 applications during the period April-November 1995 inclusive and has issued 29 certificates.