To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many people currently serve in his Department; at what cost to public funds; what were the figures in real and current terms in May 1979; and if he will make a statement. [8848]
There are currently 2,400 full-time equivalent staff in my Department, with a total running cost budget of £76 million for 1995–96. In 1979–80 there were some 2,600 staff with recorded running costs of £18 million, which is equivalent to £46 million at 1995–96 prices. However, these running cost figures are not comparable; for example, running costs in 1979–80 did not include superannuation charges, the training and enterprise council management fee and various overhead costs including accommodation, which have added at least £22 million to the 1995–96 figure. The Welsh Office has assumed additional functions over this period; for example, further responsibilities for industry, higher education and training.