To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is the all-Wales average increase for standard spending assessments for 1996–97; and what was the standard spending assessment provisional announced sum for the Bridgend unitary authority for 1996–97. [8840]
The average increase between 1995–96 indicative standard spending assessments and 1996–97 provisional standard spending assessments for county councils and county borough councils is 2.9 per cent. Bridgend county borough council's provisional standard spending assessment for 1996–97 is £107.537 million.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what the revenue settlement for local government provides per head of population in (a) Wales and (b) England. [8845]
The provisional settlement proposals for 1996–97 provide for total standard spending per head of population of £984 in Wales and £922 in England. Comparable figures for central Government support for that spending are £864 and £732.Both I and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment will announce our final settlement decisions at the end of the month.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what representations he has received following the announcement of the 1996–97 local government finance settlement. [8853]
My right hon. Friend and I discussed the provisional settlement with representatives of local government at a meeting of the Welsh Consultative Council on local government finance on 18 December 1995. We have also received various written representations.
To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is his Department's latest estimate of the percentage change in the average council tax bill in Wales for 1996–97 compared with 1995–96. [9774]
1996–97 council tax levels will depend on the budgetary decisions local authorities take following my right hon. Friend's final revenue settlement, which he will announce shortly.