To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what have been the running costs relating to the tendering process of the private finance initiative in each year since its introduction (a) in real terms and (b) in cash terms disaggregated by (i) staff costs, (ii) information technology and (iii) other costs. [10944]
The tendering process of a particular project may consider a number of procurement routes and it is not possible to separately identify those costs attributable to the private finance initiative. The procurement route selected is that which provides best value for money over the whole life of the project.
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much has been spent on external consultants in the tendering process of the private finance initiative in each year since its introduction (a) in real terms and (b) in cash terms disaggregated by (i) legal fees, (ii) publicity costs, (iii) accountancy fees and (iv) management consultancy fees. [10943]
The information required is available only at disproportionate cost. The private finance unit of the MOD has in this financial year spent some £200,000 on management consultants in support of projects which may have a PFI element.