To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how much has been spent on external consultants in the tendering process of the private finance initiative in each year since its introduction (a) in real terms and (b) in cash terms disaggregated by (i) legal fees, (ii) publicity costs, (iii) accountancy fees and (iv) management consultancy fees. [10961]
All expenditure on external consultancy has been incurred in the current financial year. Expenditure to date is (i) legal fees—nil, (ii) publicity costs—nil, (iii) accountancy fees—nil, (iv) management consultancy fees—£108,464.
To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's department what have been the running costs relating to the tendering process of the private finance initiative in each year since its introduction (a) in real terms and (b) in cash terms disaggregated by (i) staff costs, (ii) information technology and (iii) other costs. [10962]
All expenditure was incurred in the current financial year. Expenditure to date is (i) staff costs—£153,000, (ii) information technology—£1,500, (iii) other costs £3,000.