To ask the Secretary of State for the Enviornment (1) what action was taken by local authorities in England for those households accepted as homeless and in priority need by reason of old age, in each quarter of 1993 and 1994 and in the first two quarters of 1995; [10262](2) what were the reasons for homelessness among those households accepted as homeless by local authorities in England, who were in priority need by reason of old age, in each quarter in 1993 and 1994 and in the first two quarters of 1995. [10266]
The quarterly P1(E) return on which local authorities in England report information on their activities under the homelessness provisions of the Housing Act 1985 does not provide a breakdown by priority need category of the data collected on the use of temporary accommodation for households accepted for re-housing, the type of accommodation in which households are finally placed or the reason for the loss of previous settled accommodation.