To ask the right hon. Member for Selby, representing the Church Commissioners, what is the current cost of maintaining bishops' palaces; how many of them there are; what were the figures (a) 10 and (b) 20 years ago in (i) real and (ii) cash terms; and if he will make a statement. [10020]
The total expenditure, both capital and revenue, on diocesan bishops' houses in 1994—the last year for which figures are currently available—was £2,347,000. There are 45 houses, including the Archbishop of Canterbury's London base, Lambeth palace. Only 11 can properly be described as palaces. They include not only domestic accommodation but a chapel, meeting rooms and office accommodation. The figures include expenditure on furnishings and gardens and staff accommodation, and are net of any income.In real and comparable terms the total expenditure in 1984 was £1,822,000 and in the year to March 1975 £1,665,000.Expenditure each year varies depending on the turnover in episcopal appointments and the incidence of major repairs. The most recent survey of expenditure shows the average expenditure on diocesan bishops' houses was £39,496 per annum over a 10-year period.The commissioners are currently reviewing the suitability of all See houses, and steps are being taken to keep maintenance costs to a minimum. It has recently been decided to replace the Portsmouth See house by one which will he cheaper to maintain.