To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which sites of special scientific interest in Scotland will be affected by trunk road and motorway schemes for which preferred routes have been announced. [11230]
In his answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Ayr (Mr. Gallie) on 19 December 1995, Official Report, columns 1061–62, on the programme for developing Scotland's trunk road network, my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland announced that, subject to the usual criteria including satisfactory completion of the statutory procedures and the necessary preparatory work, it is intended to construct 17 new road schemes over the next three years. Preferred lines have been chosen for 16 of these schemes.
Two sites of special scientific interest will be affected by these schemes. These are (a) Glen Beasdale, affected by the A830 Mallaig road improvement from Polnish bridge to Loch Nan Uamh (b) Calrossie, where the A9 Logie Easter to Garrick bridge scheme is proposed to be built along a boundary line of the SSSI.
Disturbance to SSSIs is avoided if possible. When sites are affected, every effort is made to minimise the impact of constructions.