To ask the President of the Board of Trade if copies of draft sections of Sir Richard Scott's report are in the possession of Ministers or officials in his Department other than those to whom draft sections of the report were sent by Sir Richard Scott. [11876]
[holding answer 25 January 1996]: In forwarding sections of Sir Richard Scott's report to Ministers and officials, the inquiry expressly stated that individuals could at their discretion make a copy for a legal or other adviser and another for the Department concerned. Whether they did so is a matter for the individuals concerned.
To ask the President of the Board of Trade if (a) Ministers and (b) officials in his Department have used copies of draft sections of Sir Richard Scott's report to prepare the Government's response to Sir Richard Scott's report. [11877]
[holding answer 25 January 1996]: No decision about the response to Sir Richard Scott's report will be taken until the report has been received.In considering issues relating to the Scott inquiry, all Departments naturally take account of material properly available to them.