To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what assessment he has made of the total expenditure of his Department, its agencies and non-departmental public bodies on publicity for each of the years (a) 1979–80, (b) 1989–90, (c) 1991–92, (d) 1993–94, (e) 1994–95 and (f) 1995–96 (i) to date and (ii) as estimated for the whole year; what estimate he has made of such expenditure for 1996–97; and if he will break these figures down to indicate expenditure on (1) advertising and (2) press and public relations. [11384]
Publicity expenditure is committed when there is a need to advise the public or inform them of their rights. Assessment takes account of policy objectives and prioritisation within available resources.Advertising and press office staff, accommodation and administration costs for my Department are as follows for 1979–80 to 1988–89:
Year | Advertising | Press |
1979–80 | 2,904,671 | 283,140 |
1980–81 | 1,649,605 | 392,532 |
1981–82 | 1,834,476 | 381,799 |
| Advertising
| Press
1982–83 | 1,957,304 | 424,290 |
1983–84 | 2,760,681 | 516,632 |
1984–85 | 3,262,700 | 560,512 |
1985–86 | 3,306,391 | 606,996 |
1986–87 | 5,000,000 | 548,136 |
1987–88 | 4,700,000 | 599,282 |
1988–89 | 5,400,000 | 674,945 |
From 1989–90 onwards, recording systems were improved to identify advertising and other publicity material such as publications, videos, exhibitions and posters:
| Advertising
| Other publicity material
| Press
1989–90 | 5,500,000 | 3,088,065 | 715,646 |
1990–91 | 5,728,000 | 4,323,476 | 786,519 |
1991–92 | 7,275,940 | 3,600,288 | 792,125 |
1992–93 | 7,334,635 | 5,638,982 | 835,441 |
1993–94 | 9,090,222 | 5,062,327 | 847,632 |
1994–95 | 10,912,008 | 3,190,350 | 899,084 |
1995–961 | 7,398,629 | 1,387,550 | 727,169 |
1995–962 | 7,398,629' | 3,387,550 | 969,560 |
1996–972 | 4,150,000 | 3,750,000 | 993,799 |
1Year to date | |||
2Forecast |
Press and publicity expenditure by my Department's Agencies was as follows:
| Advertising and publicity material
| Press
Prison Service
| ||
1993–94 | 206,900 | 304,800 |
1994–95 | 200,500 | 594,900 |
1995–96 forecast | 228,400 | 319,900 |
1996–97 forecast | 213,300 | 318,200 |
Fire Service College
| ||
1992–93 | 89,300 | — |
1993–94 | 55,700 | — |
1994–95 | 34,600 | — |
1995–96 forecast | 24,370 | 6,000 |
1996–97 forecast | 30,000 | 6,000 |
Passport Agency
| ||
1991–92 | 70,357 | 62,492 |
1992–93 | 67,454 | 56,880 |
1993–94 | 70,945 | 68,981 |
1994–95 | 127,040 | 256,693 |
1995–96 forecast | 94,814 | 160,701 |
1996–97 | Budgets not yet decided | |
Forensic Science Service
| ||
Under the Forensic Science Service agency's framework, document, press and publicity services are provided by the Home Office. These are marginal and are included in the Departmental spend. |
It has not been possible in the time available for agencies to provide precise 1995–96 year to date figures, but they expect no substantial divergence from forecast.
I shall write to the hon. Member concerning publicity and press expenditure by my Department's non-departmental public bodies.