To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what has been the value of orders following Welsh trade missions in each year since 1992; [11816](2) how many jobs were created following Welsh trade missions in each year since 1992. [11813]
Trade missions provide an opportunity for initial contacts with prospective customers in overseas markets and any orders taken on a mission arc normally awarded on a trial basis. Since April 1993, when the current subsidised trade mission programme commenced, orders taken during the course of Welsh Office trade missions have amounted to: 1993–94, £4,827,400; 1994–95, £2,677,250; 1995–96 January, £2,289,500. Anticipated follow-on orders amounted to: 1993–94, £12,274,000; 1994–95, £22,879,000; 1995–96 January, £38,183,700. Such orders may ultimately lead to the creation of new jobs and/or the safeguarding of existing jobs but it is rarely possible for mission participants to he specific about this in the short term.