To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what estimate he has made of the benefits that have accrued from the United Kingdom financial support through the know-how fund for the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment-Globe Europe Network; and what financial commitments have been made for further funding of the Globe Europe Network. [12002]
The know-how fund has not previously provided any direct support to the Globe Europe network. However, it has pledged a sum of up to 35,868 ecu—approximately £20,000–20 per cent. of the total cost of a project to be started in 1996.
The details are still under negotiation. However, the project aims to promote among parliamentarians in central and eastern Europe understanding of parliamentary procedures and techniques with particular emphasis on environmental policy-making. The project will consist of some preliminary research into environmental concerns in the Central and Eastern Europe region; two international seminars at which parliamentarians will be invited to discuss related issues with experts in the environmental field; the implementation of joint initiatives based upon findings and examples of successful co-operation between parliaments and NGOs; and a campaign aimed to publicise the initiatives and their results.
The benefit likely to accrue from know-how fund support for this programme is the formation of constructive policy work in the environmental field as parliamentarians are encouraged to forge practical policies.