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Single Regeneration Budget

Volume 270: debated on Monday 29 January 1996

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To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will increase the funds for the single regeneration budget to ensure a higher success rate in bids. [11609]

As existing commitments under the programmes combined within the single regeneration budget are fulfilled, so increased resources are being made available for the bidding rounds for the SRB challenge fund. Under current plans, the challenge fund element of the SRB will increase from £125 million in 1995–96 to £600 million in 1988–99. Many unsuccessful bidders from round 1 in 1994 came back with greatly improved and successful bids for round 2, demonstrating the strength of local partnerships. Unsuccessful bidders last year will have the chance to hid again in round 3 this year.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his policy in respect of changes in public expenditure plans for the regeneration budget before May 1997. [11608]

Regeneration work, such as housing, training and economic development initiatives, are supported through main programme expenditure by various Government Departments. This is supplemented by targeted programmes which have been brought together in the single regeneration budget.Under current plans, the single regeneration budget will provide over £1.3 billion for regeneration work in each of the three years 1995–96 to 1997–98—a total of some £4 billion. During this period there will be some £870 million available for funding new regeneration schemes successful in bidding rounds for the competitive SRB challenge fund. In 1998–99, under current plans, the challenge fund element of the SRB will increase to £600 million, by which time new schemes from four bidding rounds will be under way.

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, pursuant to his answer of 9 January, Official Report, columns 25–26, if he will list for each of the challenge fund schemes which included plans to assist business start-ups how many start-ups they estimated would be helped; and what was the average sum estimated to be made available for each start-up by each scheme. [11944]

Information on the forecast number of business start-ups over the lifetime of each challenge fund scheme is given.Information about the average sum estimated to be made available for each start-up for each scheme is not available. As explained in my replies to the hon. Member on 9 January,

Official Report, column 25, and 17 January, Official Report column 603, the single regeneration budget challenge fund provides support to local partnerships for schemes which incorporate a wide range of economic, environmental and social measures, including the business start-ups set out in the table. Schemes approved to date stand to receive some £1.7 billion in challenge fund support overall. Within the resources made available to each approved scheme, it is for partnerships to determine the support provided for business start-ups. This accords with our intention of encouraging partnerships to tackle regeneration in ways

that are appropriate to their local needs and priorities. It is not therefore possible to estimate the sums provided for start-ups from the records held centrally or at Government offices.

Challenge fund scheme under rounds 1 and 2 and the forecast number of business start-ups over the lifetime of each scheme are as follows:



A New Start for Netherfield20
Action for Haslingden58
All Change at Crewe28
Altogether Wight436
Amble Challenge Bid10
Amble Regeneration4
Appleby Heritage Centre48
Ashfield Partnership820
Backing Winners Business Support2,250
Birmingham SRB4,861
Birmingham: 1996–2003135
Blackbird Leys Redevelopment Initiative2
Blackbird Leys/Temple Cowley Regeneration Partnership375
Blackburn SRB606
Blackpool Challenge Partnership525
Blueprint for the Community (Bognor Regis)70
Boston 2000278
Breaking the Cycle—From Dependence to Independence30
Brighton Regeneration Partnership47
Bristol 202067
Brixham Business Development Project40
Burton: A Better Future500
Business 2000673
Canning Town500
Central Stepney Regeneration Programme14
Chart 9930
Cheetham and Broughton Initiative260
CILNTEC Contributing to A World Class City930
Cityvision's First Challenge Fund Bid for Hull62
Coalfield Renaissance368
Cobridge Community Renewal87
Community Works307
Communities First in Rural Somerset21
Congleton Town and Industry Initiative51
Connected Community for the 21st Century5
Consett Southern Area200
Corby Urban Village Restoration Scheme16
Cornwall Developing in Partnership322
County Durham SRB Partnership1,200
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnerships Ltd.1,915
Creating A Sustainable Black Country Urban Forest3
Creekside Renewal: Building Bridges74
Crime Reduction, Employment and Training Queen Parks Kilburn50
Crosby/Scunthorpe Town Centre380
Cross River Partnership 199597
Dartford and Thames Gateway Foyer Project4
Derby-DaubHill Deane: A Partnership for Prosperity277
Derby's Rail Corridor—Opportunity for Global Change128
Destination Bassetlaw785
Developing Park Royal's Offer106
Developing Stronger Communities (Barnsley)18
Dewsbury: Fabric for the future232
Dingle 200040
East Durham Task Force500
East Gateshead Regeneration30
East Kent Initiative25
Economic Development Support for New Business850
Elland Initiative Partnership5
Employment Creation in the Hawtec Area1.725
Empowering Enterprise in Local Communities20
Energise Eastbourne200

Challenge fund scheme under rounds 1 and 2 and the forecast number of business start-ups over the lifetime of each scheme are as follows:



Enhancing the Development of Ethnic Minorities17
Enterprise 200 Norfolk and Waveney TEC1,050
Epicentre Strategy500
Foundations for the Future530
Gainsborough Regeneration60
Going for Growth (Doncaster)1,310
Goole "Foundation for the Furure"48
Grays Regeneration7
Greater Peterborough TEC480
Green Street SRB300
Greenwich 2000—Tourism development80
Grimsby Regeneration Partnership80
Grow Your Own Job and Business Diversification Rural Areas790
Growing Together: Youth and Inner City Regen etc. (Sheffield)34
Hamilton Quarter Initiative94
Hardwick Community Partnership Regeneration Project36
Haringey and Enfield Young People and Offenders Emp.24
Hayes/west Drayton Corridor200
Heart of Barrow250
Hertfordshire Enterprise Alliance38
Hertfordshire TEC720
Huddersfield Challenge92
Hulls First SRB Bid1,450
Improving Labour Market Flexibility35
Initiative Burnley1,391
Inner City Lifeline166
Investing in Derby People262
Ipswich West Dock regeneration90
Jobs Guidance and Training for Central London Refugees70
Keighley: A Local Strategy630
Knowsley Industrial Park100
Lea Bridge—A Gateway to Opportunity151
Lea Valley (Poplar) Joint Venture Initiative2
Leeds: Rebuilding Our Communities77
Leek Regeneration: Securing a Future for a Market Town12
Leicester's 1996-97 Challenge Fund Bid128
London East Manufacturing Initiative15
London East TEC Assist300
Loughborough Town Partnership30
Loughborough University of Tech: a Competiveness Catalyst6
Luton Dunstable Partnership157
Luton Dunstable Partnership—Sustainable Regeneration210
Maidstone Town Centre Initiative10
Manchester City Council1,388
Manufacturing Excellence Programme10,000
Medway Towns Campus Programme30
Meeting the Challenge of Change319
Meeting the Needs of Newham's Communities151
Middlesborough Pride and Enterprise93
Middleton Pride94
Netherton SRB54
Networking Business and the Community5
New Business Growth Programme850
New Business Growth (Phase Two)155
New Dimensions for Stratford and Temple Mills181
New Enterprise Strategy Teeside TEC1,500
New Entrepreneurs Challenge Programme2.000
Newark and Sherwood200
Newhaven Economic Partnership107
Newstead Regeneration Partnership4

Challenge fund scheme under rounds 1 and 2 and the forecast number of business start-ups over the lifetime of each scheme are as follows:



Newton 2128
North East Lincolnshire Challenge Bid90
North End/north Lynn Regeneration20
North Liverpool250
North London TEC Support for New Business900
North Shields Town Centre Regeneration Strategy359
North Solihull Challenge86
North West Leicestershire Coalfield Priority Area55
North West London TEC540
Northampton Partnership98
Northern Wards127
Nottingham—Capturing the Dynamics600
Old Trafford Initiative340
Older People—harnessing Potential and Providing Support16
Oldham Partnership1,400
Owton/rossmere Partnership86
Park Royal Partnership Ltd.16
Peckham Partnership60
Plymouth 2000684
Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Partnership633
Qualitec and Partners1,100
Queens Park Challenge Fund32
Raffles Community Development Partnership90
Raising Educational Achievement and Employment in Downham5
Regenerating Central Brighton55
Regenerating King's Cross—Gateway to Europe296
Regenerating Wembley Park80
Regeneration in West Chester252
Regeneration of Shields Road District Centre and Newcastles ea24
Regeneration Through People1,000
Releasing Local Potential127
Remaking Chalkhill5
Removing Barriers—Creating Opportunities Leeds777
Renaissance of Blyth40
Revitalising the City Fringe60
Reviving the Heart of the West End64
Rochdale Canalside120
Roding Valley Partnership15
Roding Valley Partnership15
Roding Valley Partnership—Combined Bid L0026, L0027, L00287
Runcorn on the Mersey105
Salford Partnership770
Sanderson Kayser Green Steelworks Etc Pilot (Sheffield)12
Sandwell Regeneration Partnership372
Sandwell: Capacity Building for Urban Regeneration78
Selby Waterfront27
Shaping Rotherhams Future804
Sheffield SRB Scheme1,233
Sherburn Road Regeneration Initiative6
Shropshire Business Support750
Silwood Community Forum3
Sleaford Pride45
Small Business Village15
SOLOTEC Greenwich and Lewisham Access Success Progress247
South Denes Peninsula Regeneration (Great Yarmouth)15
South Leytonstone Community Partnership200
South Tyneside60
South Tyneside Youth to the Future116
South Wandle Regeneration Strategy23
Southampton Regeneration Partnership206
Southampton's Bid99
Speke Garston141

Challenge fund scheme under rounds I and 2 and the forecast number of business start-ups over the lifetime of each scheme are as follows:



St. Helens Southern Corridor150
Stratford Regional Station4
Sunderland Partnership633
Support for New and Young Business in Staffordshire2,100
Sustainable Regeneration in Barnsley1,400
Swadlincote Woodlands180
Sydenham Estate Somerset40
Tame Valley Initiative586
Thames Gateway Technology Centre90
The Bakewell Project: A Window of Opportunity65
The Battle for Hastings280
The Brentford Partnership23
The Cannock Gateway Project136
The Castle Pride Initiative Scarborough52
The Centre for Sustainable Living, Castle Hill, Dudley12
The Eastwood/oakhill Challenge (Rotherham)6
The Glossopdale Project155
The Harwich Dimension (Tendring)60
The Heart of Worthing30
The Island and Royal Manor of Portland115
The Lancashire Manufacturing Partnership1,000
The Learning Community Initiative20
The Limes Farm Regeneration Partnership12
The Merseyside Learning Partnership38
The Miles Platting, Ancoats and Northern Quarter (Srb2) Bid123
The Ragworth Regeneration Project2
The Regeneration of Central Accrington49
The Villages Initiative3
The York Regeneration Initiative29
This Partnership Means Business2.070
Toureast London19
Turning the Tide—the Western Approaches114
Turning the Tide Morecombe100
Unlocking the Potential of Young People2
Upper Lee Valley Regeneration288
Urban Regeneration in Barton and Tredworth202
Vauxhall/Lambeth Walk Initiative3
Vauxhall: Crossing the Line25
Vital Centres and Green Links15
Wandle Corridor Regeneration Project20
West Central Halifax A Bid for Prosperity161
West Cornwall Initiative488
West London TEC Economic Development for New Business850
Whitehaven Development Company72
Wigan SRB Partnership1,589
Wolverton: youth, community and Business Symbiosis8
Work and Learn15
Wrens Nest Comprehensive Area Regeneration Scheme13