To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the numbers of claimants and the amounts paid in respect of (a) each social security benefit and (b) housing benefit in Northern Ireland. [11202]
The information is as follows:
Estimated average number of claimants in receipt of the main benefits1 at any one time and expenditure in Northern Ireland, 1994–95
| ||
| Average number (000s) 1994–95
| Expenditure (£'000)
Retirement Pension | 219.6 | 631,200 |
Widows' Benefit | 11.6 | 36,400 |
Unemployment Benefit | 14.7 | 33,000 |
Sickness Benefit | 5.4 | 15,500 |
Invalidity Benefit | 72.9 | 308,100 |
Maternity Allowance | 0.5 | 1,200 |
Guardian's Allowance and Child's Special Allowance | 0.2 | 100 |
Non-Contributory Retirement Pension | 2.6 | 2,619 |
Attendance Allowance | 56.9 | 108,823 |
Invalid Care Allowance | 19.6 | 38,960 |
Severe Disablement Allowance | 14.6 | 30,993 |
Industrial Injuries Benefits | 11 | 21,658 |
Disability Living Allowance | 83.7 | 201,732 |
Disability Working Allowance | 0.2 | 424 |
Income Support | 227.2 | 649,573 |
Child Benefit (number of children) | 467 | 221,110 |
One Parent Benefit (number of families) | 32 | 10,023 |
Family Credit | 22 | 61,901 |
Housing Benefit
| ||
Rent Rebate | 108.6 | 165,000 |
Rent Allowance | 28.6 | 55,199 |
Rates Rebate | 181.7 | 23,148 |
Social Fund
| ||
Budgeting Loans | 73.2 | 18,413 |
Crisis Loans | 27 | 2,319 |
Community Care Grants | 38.8 | 9,638 |
Maternity Payments | 8.4 | 839 |
Funeral Payments | 3.9 | 3,524 |
Cold Weather Payments | 0 | 0 |
Statutory Sick Pay and Statutory
| ||
Maternity Pay | n/a | 18,700 |
Independent Living (Extension) Fund | 1.6 | 5,344 |
Independent Living (1993) Fund | 2
| 102 |
Transitional Payments | 2
| 7 |
1Beneficiaries may be receiving more than one benefit at any one time. | ||
2Indicates fewer than 50 claimants in receipt. |