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Benefits (Claimants)

Volume 270: debated on Monday 29 January 1996

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To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the numbers of claimants and the amounts paid in respect of (a) each social security benefit and (b) housing benefit in Northern Ireland. [11202]

Estimated average number of claimants in receipt of the main benefits1 at any one time and expenditure in Northern Ireland, 1994–95


Average number (000s) 1994–95

Expenditure (£'000)

Retirement Pension219.6631,200
Widows' Benefit11.636,400
Unemployment Benefit14.733,000
Sickness Benefit5.415,500
Invalidity Benefit72.9308,100
Maternity Allowance0.51,200
Guardian's Allowance and Child's Special Allowance0.2100
Non-Contributory Retirement Pension2.62,619
Attendance Allowance56.9108,823
Invalid Care Allowance19.638,960
Severe Disablement Allowance14.630,993
Industrial Injuries Benefits1121,658
Disability Living Allowance83.7201,732
Disability Working Allowance0.2424
Income Support227.2649,573
Child Benefit (number of children)467221,110
One Parent Benefit (number of families)3210,023
Family Credit2261,901

Housing Benefit

Rent Rebate108.6165,000
Rent Allowance28.655,199
Rates Rebate181.723,148

Social Fund

Budgeting Loans73.218,413
Crisis Loans272,319
Community Care Grants38.89,638
Maternity Payments8.4839
Funeral Payments3.93,524
Cold Weather Payments00

Statutory Sick Pay and Statutory

Maternity Payn/a18,700
Independent Living (Extension) Fund1.65,344
Independent Living (1993) Fund


Transitional Payments



1Beneficiaries may be receiving more than one benefit at any one time.

2Indicates fewer than 50 claimants in receipt.