To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement on the level of his departmental involvement in the inter-departmental low income project team and the nutrition task force; and what information he is proposing to publish on the extent of malnutrition and its relationship to low income and to public health issues arising from the work of the project team and the task force. [12444]
The nutrition task force and its low income project team formed part of "The Health of the Nation" programme which covers England only. My Department was represented at meetings of the main task force by an official with observer status, but was not represented on the low income project team. The Department has also received papers relating to the work of the task force, including the report of the low income project team, for information.In Wales, the Health Promotion Authority for Wales undertakes a wide variety of programmes designed to encourage people to eat healthier diets. Specific initiatives have also targeted those on low income.