To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if a one year break in contract clause is currently being considered for inclusion in (a) the contracts for the new prison at Fazakerly on Merseyside and (b) the contracts for the running of the five new secure training centres for children aged between 12 and 14 years. [10523]
A number of options relating to termination are under consideration in respect of the contract for the first two secure training centres, but as these are still under negotiation the terms are commercially confidential. Responsibility for replying in respect of the contract for the new prison at Fazakerley has been delegated to the temporary Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Richard Tilt to Mr. George Howarth, dated 29 January 1996:
The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Question about the inclusion of a one-year break in contract clause in the contract for a new prison at Fazakerley.
The contract for Fazakerley allows the Prison Service the option of terminating the contract, at will, any time from five years after the contractual opening date.