To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list by (a) health authority and (b) region, the total savings made by general practitioners and the percentage of savings spent in each year since the inception of fundholding. [17334]
Information held centrally on savings made on general practitioner fundholder budgets, and on spending from these savings (excluding savings voluntarily returned by fundholders to their health authorities), has been placed in the Library.For 1991–92 and 1992–93, these are savings made at regional health authority level. From 1993–94 to 1995–96, data are available at family health services authority/health authority level on both savings made and spending from savings."Retained savings" are savings made on fundholders' budgets, excluding amounts voluntarily returned to the health authority, retained for spending in future years. "Accumulated savings available for spending" are all savings made since entry to fundholding less any savings spent.In 1995–96, fundholders in England retained £84.8 million or 2.4 per cent. of their budgets in savings, and spent £47.6 million (32 per cent.) of their £150.9 million accumulated savings.All data are taken from audited accounts, returned by National Health Service Executive Regional Offices. Information is not yet available from 1996–97 audited accounts.