The Secretary of State was asked—
Reproductive And Sexual Health
What initiatives she has taken to promote greater reproductive and sexual health in developing countries. [18421]
The White Paper on international development sets out the Government's commitment to contributing to international development targets. Among them is the goal of ensuring access to basic health care, including reproductive health services for all by 2015. We believe that all people have a right to be able to control their fertility and to raise healthy, educated children.
I thank my right hon. Friend for the commitment that she has outlined. Does she agree that one of the most important steps that the Department for International Development can take is to work with the poorest countries to improve sex and health education and information for young people so that they can make informed choices about their families? What can the Department do to facilitate that?
I am grateful to my hon. Friend. She is absolutely right: getting proper services to young people is crucial if they are to be able to control their future, to prevent disease and to have the number of children that they want. We are focusing on that priority, but we believe that access to reproductive health services should be part of basic health care systems for all. That is the way in which to achieve a universal service and to reach everyone; and that is our priority.
Debt Burden
What is her Department's policy on reducing the debt burden of developing countries. [18422]
My right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer leads on debt policy but, as was set out in the recent development White Paper, my Department has a key interest in the rapid and flexible implementation of debt reduction measures that aim to secure debt sustainability for some of the world's poorest countries. We must try to mobilise international support for more rapid progress if we are to reach international poverty eradication targets.
I am sure that the Secretary of State is more aware than most that Uganda has benefited from debt reduction assistance. Will she assure the House that Her Majesty's Government will call for a yes vote in Uganda's forthcoming referendum on whether to set up a democratic state, and that, if we do not see a yes vote, she will report back and tell us why?
That has nothing to do with debt relief, but it is true that Uganda will be one of the first countries to qualify, which is important if it is to sustain the great progress that it has made. It is committed to having a referendum on what form of democracy it should have. My view is that democracy, pluralistic democracy, and the right for people to select the candidate that they want and to oust Governments are crucial. We should not try to foist on Africa our precise model because, in some countries, it has led to terrible division on old tribal lines. I assure the hon. Gentleman that we will always work for the protection of democracy everywhere, but I will not suggest to Uganda that it should adopt our precise democratic model.
Have the Government considered taking any measures to deal with the double standards that exist in multilateral and bilateral aid to countries that are in debt? I am thinking in particular of the difference between our attitude to Indonesia and Mozambique.
There is an enormous difference between our attitude to Indonesia and our attitude to Mozambique. Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and has overcome a terrible civil war. The Mozambique Government are now co-operating with the side they fought in that war, when dreadful atrocities took place. That is a fantastic achievement for the people of Mozambique and for both Government and Opposition there. We believe that, against terrible odds, the Government in Mozambique are trying very hard to bring about development and to eradicate poverty. We want to help them in every way we can.
Indonesia is a middle-income country. As the hon. Lady knows, I have reviewed our aid and reduced parts of it to increase help to sustain forestry and to assist trade unions that are persecuted in Indonesia and non-governmental organisations in East Timor. That has not been easy to organise. Our attitudes to the two countries are massively different because the needs and natures of their Governments are so different.What is Her Majesty's Government's attitude to Zimbabwe's international debts in the light of proposals to nationalise several million hectares of farming land without compensation, with access to the courts apparently to be denied to those who are deprived of their property? Economists and agriculture experts have warned that it will result in the collapse of Zimbabwe's agriculture industry, which is the country's biggest single foreign currency earner and generates two thirds of its domestic economy.
The situation in Zimbabwe is indeed very worrying. We have made our attitude to the current land proposals very clear. I have personally written to the Land Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We have said that it is true that land is distributed very unfairly in Zimbabwe and that we would be willing to back a properly organised system of land redistribution that gives some land to the poor and enables them to improve their livelihoods and reduces poverty in Zimbabwe, but we will not fund or support in any way a scheme that endangers food production and Zimbabwe's economic health. I hope that Zimbabwe's Government will pull back and go for a properly organised redistribution of benefits to people in Zimbabwe.
Commonwealth Development Corporation
When the change in status of the Commonwealth Development Corporation to a public-private partnership will take place. [18423]
I am keen to mobilise new investment through the Commonwealth Development Corporation in the neediest countries in the world as soon as possible, but there are many steps to be gone through, not least to deal with the need for new legislation.
Are the Government willing to consider bringing private sector shareholders into the CDC, given that they would help to confer the benefits to which the right hon. Lady has referred? If so, what kind of shareholding might the Government wish to retain, and—potentially—what kind of outside parties would they want to bring in? I think that the House should know where the Government are going.
I am sure that the House should know where the Government are going. My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister spoke about the matter at the last Prime Minister's Question Time and, I believe, the one before that, so there are no secrets; clear statements have been made.
As the hon. Gentleman should know, I have reviewed the CDC's work. It is a very important instrument to secure investment for countries that are not attracting private flows. We want to increase those flows and to use the CDC as a bridge to draw in more. I have therefore looked at the CDC's structure. Because it is wholly Government-owned, it is not allowed to raise private finance because that would count as Government borrowing. I want it to be restructured in a way that will allow the retention of a substantial Government share while leaving the majority of the corporation in private ownership. That will enable us to raise additional flows of investment while leaving a golden share that will entrench the corporation as a development institution encouraging investment in the poorest countries. Those are the proposals and they are being scrutinised. As the hon. Gentleman will know, there is much detailed work to be done and after that we must introduce legislation; but I hope to do all that.Multilateral Agreement On Investment
What is her assessment of the impact of the proposed multilateral agreement on investment on measures to reduce inequalities between rich and poor countries. [18424]
What steps she will take to ensure that the multilateral agreement on investment includes mandatory safeguards against unsustainable economic development in the poorest countries. [18428]
The multilateral agreement on investment is designed to introduce rules for investment flows, primarily between Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries to ensure that foreign investors are treated in the same way as domestic investors. The MAI is not designed for poorer developing countries but, of course, it could become a model and we are supporting consultation with them on how their interests can be taken into account. My Department is commissioning a study to look at any implications the MAI may have for these countries. The Government will work towards the eventual establishment of a more widely applicable World Trade Organisation agreement on international investment.
Does my right hon. Friend agree that Governments, in particular the Governments of poor countries, must remain free to impose restrictions on foreign inward investment, whether that is to protect their populations or their environments? If she does, can she assure the House that the Government will never sign up to any multilateral agreement on investment that allows multinationals or transnational corporations to use the World Trade Organisation to overrule restrictions that have been placed on inward investment by Governments in the interests of their people and their environments?
I think that my hon. Friend's concerns are a little misplaced. Overwhelmingly, the desire of poor countries is to attract more inward investment to bring about the development that will enable them to have the full economic growth that will benefit the poor. The multilateral agreement on investment is currently intended to apply only to OECD countries and says only that Governments who sign up to it voluntarily are not allowed to treat domestic investment and inward investment differently. In that agreement, which the Government hope to sign, we are trying to ensure protection for core labour standards and environmental standards, for example. We are trying to ensure that, if it becomes a model for the future, the future interests of developing countries are protected. My hon. Friend's fears are slightly misguided. We need more investment in those countries, not less.
Does my right hon. Friend agree that in the context of the attempts by some multinational companies to sabotage the current climate negotiations in Kyoto, it is crucial that the present OECD non-binding code of good practice is made binding within the multilateral agreement on investment?
I am not sure whether multinational companies are more to blame than Governments for dragging their feet. Companies can promote advertising campaigns, but Governments are responsible for protecting the future interests of the world's people. That is where the primary responsibility lies. I share my hon. Friend's concern and assure him that we are seeking to have the OECD guidelines on multinationals' corporate behaviour associated with the multilateral agreement on investment.
I am sure that the right hon. Lady agrees that trade and investment are essential for developing countries. While the multilateral agreement on investment is a welcome step, when will the Government accept as their goal the complementary policy of global free trade by 2020? The right hon. Lady has not been afraid to adopt other targets. Why will she not adopt that one?
That topic has been raised in the House before, when I am sure the hon. Gentleman was present. I have said to him that my view is that broadening trade on beneficial terms is our objective, but that for the very poorest and frailest economies I agree with the recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report that a rapid opening up could damage frail economies. We need to include them in the process, but in a way that will enable them to strengthen their economies to take advantage of an opening up. I do not know whether the date that the hon. Gentleman suggests is right. That is the sort of progress that we favour and we are seeking to promote it and work with countries and with the World Trade Organisation to bring it about.
Will my right hon. Friend comment on President Clinton's failure to secure an agreement for a fast track on free trade in the United States? That reflects grave concerns in north America about the failure to add a social dimension to the complex question of trade. Whether on the MAI, which is the subject of the question, or on forthcoming meetings of the World Trade Organisation, can my right hon. Friend assure the House that the Government will side with President Clinton and most other democratic countries in seeking a social element and will not bow to the wishes of multinational companies and authoritarian Governments in the third world?
Obtaining agreement on core labour standards and environmental protection so that globalisation does not lead to a levelling down is an enormously important priority for all the people of the world, wherever they live, otherwise we could have what has been called the rush to the bottom. As my hon. Friend knows, there is no prospect of immediate progress on the adoption by the World Trade Organisation of the human rights clause that many people advocate, but we are seeking to make progress through the International Labour Organisation and by introducing incentives in the European Union's general system of preferences in the form of greater privileges to countries that guarantee core labour standards. I agree with my hon. Friend's analysis, but we must mobilise more international support for that objective.
Intermediate Technology
What assistance she is offering for the adoption of intermediate technology by developing countries. [18425]
Our Department offers a broad range of support to encourage the adoption of appropriate intermediate technology solutions in developing countries through our country programmes, our research and knowledge work and through the joint funding scheme for non-governmental organisations.
Does the hon. Gentleman agree that intermediate technology is not second best if it is the appropriate technology to meet the need? British companies and non-governmental organisations are particularly strong in that area. As the White Paper was rather feeble on this subject, will he make amends by giving it an enhanced emphasis?
The White Paper was feeble on no subject. It was greatly welcomed by all the non-governmental organisations and even by the Opposition spokesman. Last year, our Department supported the intermediate technology development group to the tune of more than £3 million. I fully understand the hon. Gentleman's constituency interest in this matter, but if he considers objectively what we have spent and our commitment, he will agree that this is a priority of the new Labour Government.
On the question of former Overseas Development Administration support for such projects and for projects more generally, would it not be interesting to take a snapshot year, perhaps in the mid-1980s, and revisit all the projects that were supported in that year with British taxpayers' money to see to what extent they are still being properly managed and utilised to the benefit of the recipient countries? I asked that question following my visit in 1991 to the Orissa health project in southern India, which I found to be a disaster area.
My right hon. Friend and I are spending some time examining all our projects to see how effective they are. The Select Committee on International Development could carry out the role that my hon. Friend suggests. I assure him that, under the White Paper to which the hon. Member for Daventry (Mr. Boswell) referred, projects such as the Pergau dam would receive no support from the new Labour Government.
Does the Minister agree that, although intermediate technology is appropriate in many circumstances, high technology is sometimes also appropriate for third-world development? I am thinking particularly of sustainable energy policies. Is not the development of renewable energy often the means by which underdeveloped countries can make the leap from underdevelopment to sustainable development? What do the Government intend to do about encouraging the transfer of such technology to the underdeveloped world?
The transfer of our technology to transition countries in eastern and central Europe has been achieved through the know-how fund. Some of the techniques used by the know-how fund can now be extended to developing countries, especially in the area to which the hon. Gentleman referred. We have supported successful work in South Africa to train young unemployed people in information technology. Those people have obtained work very quickly, which shows the effectiveness of our support for such work in those countries.
I believe that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State is to visit South Africa. I wonder whether my hon. Friend the Minister will urge her to visit the computer information technology centre in Welkom in the Free State. She will see there an excellent project run by black British expatriates who are teaching people in places such as Bronville and Tahbong how to use information technology. Will he also examine how those people are working with the local population and use their example as a model for future development to meet the White Paper's objectives?
The project to which my hon. Friend refers is precisely that to which I was referring earlier. I am very pleased that—I hope next week—I shall be able to meet him and the organiser of that project.
St Helena
What plans she has to visit St. Helena. [18426]
Last week, I met the delegation of councillors from St. Helena and had useful and constructive discussions with them. As my hon. Friend knows, however, lead responsibility for the dependent territories lies with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. I am discussing with my colleagues ways in which contacts between Her Majesty's Government and the Government and people of St. Helena can be developed constructively.
I warmly welcome that remark. The situation on St. Helena is now being addressed. If my hon. Friend can get there, I am sure that St. Helenians would be delighted with a ministerial visit. Will he pay particular attention to St. Helena's need for an airport or airstrip? If a feasibility study is possible, will he ensure that it is undertaken with a view to determining what is possible and practicable, not how expensive an airport or airstrip is and why it should not be built?
I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his support for the Government in this matter. We have offered to finance a comprehensive study of all possible air links and options to improve access to St. Helena by air. The only ministerial visit to St. Helena was made in 1699, which indicates how difficult it is to get there.
I should like the Minister to know that I visited St. Helena on behalf of Her Majesty's Government rather more recently than 1699. When he considers an airstrip, will he bear in mind the opinion of the islanders—the Saints? The last time I was there they did not want an airstrip.
I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman's visit did not stick in the minds of the St. Helenian councillors I met last week—although I am sure that it stuck in his mind. I assure him that the views of the people and representatives of St. Helena will be taken fully into account in an access study.
Does the Minister appreciate that, last week, the St. Helena delegation said that they could not remember ever having received a visit from a Minister? He would therefore be warmly received if he were to go, particularly if he were to find an aid package and take a promise from the Government that full UK citizenship for St. Helenians—which was removed in 1981—will be restored.
I understand the hon. Gentleman's views on citizenship. That matter is being considered sympathetically by other Departments. I assure him, however, that we have agreed with the St. Helena Government a country policy plan that, over the next three years, will involve expenditure by the United Kingdom Government of £26 million, which is £1,500 per capita—the highest per capita expenditure of any of our programmes.
Children In War Zones
What steps she is taking to encourage implementation of the Machel recommendations on children in war zones. [18427]
We greatly welcome the Machel report and have already pledged £200,000 to enable the newly appointed UN Secretary-General's special representative on children and armed conflict to begin his work to co-ordinate international action in response to the report. In addition, we have offered to host a meeting in London during our presidency of the European Union to encourage our European partners to give sympathetic consideration to the special representative's work and priorities.
I very much welcome my hon. Friend's reply. He will know that the report for the United Nations Children Fund, for which Mrs. Machel was responsible, highlighted the issue of households headed by children. He will also know that it is estimated that there could be 80,000 such households in Rwanda following the conflict there, that there are many more in Uganda as a result of the conflict in the north of that country and as a result of AIDS, and that there are more such households elsewhere. Does he agree that the issue needs to be recognised in a policy? Will he tell the House what steps the Department is taking to address the issue of households headed by children?
My hon. Friend is right to highlight the issue. It is a terrible tragedy that when parents have died in conflicts or from diseases such as AIDS, a young child heads the household. The new special representative, Mr. Otunnu, is well qualified to undertake his task and we shall give him all the support we can.
Chevening Scholarship Programme
What plans she has for the Chevening scholarship programme. [18429]
Expenditure plans for the next financial year are under negotiation now between officials of my Department and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The Chevening scholarship programme is funded by the Foreign Office. My Department contributes only in countries where we have an aid programme and excludes military training. We are currently reviewing how our contribution can be made consistent with the aims set out in the White Paper, particularly that of poverty eradication.
I suggest to the Minister that this valuable programme could achieve the purposes of the White Paper if the allocation of scholarships was skewed much more towards primary health care programmes, the development of programmes for disability, primary education and similar things rather than, as at present, its valuable contribution being skewed towards business and technology. Will the Minister consider that suggestion rather than there being any risk of scrapping the programme?
We are certainly not planning to scrap the programme. We are looking at precisely what the hon. Gentleman suggests—reorienting it towards our priorities. Last year, £24 million was spent on 3,500 scholars. We want to ensure that all the money spent is consistent with our poverty eradication programme. I am sure that even the Leader of the Opposition agrees with that.
Rain Forests (Brazil)
What steps she is taking to work with the Government of Brazil to ensure that its continued economic development does not result in further destruction of its rain forests. [18430]
Our technical co-operation programme with Brazil is our largest in Latin America and focuses heavily on the environment. Our major activity is forestry, in particular addressing sustainable management issues in the Amazon rain forest. We are also active in the G7 pilot programme to conserve the Brazilian rain forest which seeks to reduce the rate of deforestation in a manner consistent with the sustainable development of the area's natural and human resources. More widely, we are working to help to ensure that economic development and trade in forestry products is managed sustainably and is combined with protection of sensitive habitats.
Will my right hon. Friend mount a serious investigation into the allegations of corruption in IBAMA—the environmental agency that is supposed to protect the rain forests? There are allegations that no fines are ever paid, that the loggers get off scot free and that from top to bottom, IBAMA, which we help to fund through the G7, is corrupt. There are further allegations that more logging than ever before is going on in the rain forests of Brazil. Will my right hon. Friend mount an investigation?
I am grateful to my hon. Friend for that question. I would be more than happy to investigate the points he raises. I hope that he will let me have whatever details he has. The lesson of sustainable forest management is that if the local poor people can manage the future of the forest, they conserve it. It is when short-term commercial interests come in that we get the destruction of forestry.
Only 1 per cent. of the United Kingdom aid budget goes towards sustaining biodiversity. Does the Secretary of State have any plans to increase that percentage, bearing in mind the fact that, at the current rates of habitat destruction, the forests of Africa could disappear by 2050?
I do not know whether the hon. Gentleman's figure is correct, but I doubt it. There is a strong and growing environmental strand to our work. We are doing a lot of work on conserving forests in Cameroon, and learning how to conserve the other remaining forests of Africa. Forestry and sustaining biodiversity are major priorities of our work. Some of that work is done through the global environment facility, which is an international treaty that we helped to fund. Work is being done on replenishment, but I share the hon. Gentleman's concerns.
Assistance (Poorest Countries)
What plans she has to assist the poorest countries in the world. [18431]
We shall focus our energies and resources on the elimination of poverty and mobilising the political will necessary to meet the international poverty eradication targets by 2015. To that end, we shall work in partnership with other donors, Governments of developing countries and others—including the private sector—who are committed to eradicating poverty.
I am grateful for that answer. While targeting the poorest countries, will the Secretary of State also take note of the pockets of poverty in other parts of the world? I make a particular plea on behalf of Brazil, where Church groups and other voluntary organisations are working to help with the problem of the street children.
I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman and I agree with him. The poorest countries must have the top priority for resource transfers and investment to enable them to work their way out of poverty, but many middle-income countries have serious problems. As our White Paper says, those areas do not need big resource transfers, but need support for changes that will protect the neediest people. We are committed to that work, including work with street children in Latin America. [Interruption]
Order. Conversations are much too noisy. [HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."] I am delighted that the House agrees. It will now come to order.