To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what decision he has reached on the future of Her Majesty's yacht Britannia. [20508]
I have decided that Britannia should be preserved for the wider public benefit, subject to the conclusion of satisfactory arrangements to safeguard her future appearance and use. Following an initial sift earlier this year on a wide range of proposals, seven very imaginative ideas have been considered in detail. I am grateful to all the organisations for their enthusiasm and hard work. Two proposals have been assessed as offering the best prospects for successful preservation, namely those for Edinburgh (Forth Ports plc) and Manchester (Peel Holdings plc). These two proposals stood out from all the rest with firm, costed plans for the appropriate preservation and care of Britannia, and finance already in place. Detailed discussions will begin on these with a view to a final decision in the Spring. Her Majesty the Queen has been kept closely advised.