To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the current arrangements for the (a) police, (b) courts and (c) Prison Service in respect of trans-sexuals; what plans he has to review these arrangements; and if he will make a statement. [19825]
[holding answer 9 December 1997]:(a) There are no existing guidelines for police forces in Scotland in respect of transsexuals although the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland is considering the need for specific guidance; (b) The Scottish Courts Service has no special arrangements in respect of transsexuals. All court users are dealt with on an equal basis. There are no plans to review these arrangements; (c) To date, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) has not received any transsexual into its custody. SPS would confine the transsexual in whichever prison was most appropriate for the individual, taking account of the requirement to maintain good order and to care for all prisoners with humanity. Each case would be considered on an individual basis. There are no plans to review current arrangements.