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Invest To Save Budget: Round 5

Volume 401: debated on Thursday 20 March 2003

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I am pleased to announce that 48 bids from across the public and voluntary sectors have been successful in Round 5 of the Invest to Save Budget at a cost of £32 million including consequential funding for the devolved Administrations, and £28 million in total over the 3 years to 2005–06. The attached table describes the winners of this round.The Invest to Save Budget (ISB) is a joint Treasury/ Cabinet Office initiative. It provides support for projects which increase the extent of joint working between different parts of government, identify innovative ways of delivering public services and reduce the cost of delivering the services and/or improve the quality and effectiveness of services delivered to the public. This is the fifth round of the ISB which started in 1999.It is expected that a total of £354 million will be spent on ISB projects over the period from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2004. Round One was restricted to central government departments and their agencies. In the second and third rounds local authorities, police and fire authorities, health authorities, non-departmental public bodies and public corporations could also apply. In the fourth round, voluntary sector bodies were able to apply for the first time. The fifth round continues the partnership and innovation themes and is encouraging effective project and risk management.Winning projects have to agree an implementation plan with the sponsor departments. Each project has to provide six-monthly progress reports and carry out an evaluation of its success once it has been completed. Wider dissemination of the good practice from completed projects is then fed back into the whole spectrum of public service providers.

Lead PartnerTitle
Central Government
Cabinet OfficeDevelopment of generic electronic forms to drive forward delivery of citizen focused Cabinet Office transactional services.
Cabinet OfficeCV Bank and Job-Matching systems for civil DCMS service recruitment
DCMSModernise the British Library's document supply service
DEFRAEmergency sub-sea hazard location facility
DEFRAElectronic Public Register to enable public participation in environmental decision making processes
DOHRapid diagnosis of patients with Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus (MRSA) and to develop electronic tools for the surveillance of MRSA in hospitals.

Lead Partner


DOHIntegrated Care Records project will implement, in electronic form across specialist mental health care, education, primary care, and social services: multi-agency assessment/ referral templates that communicate clinical information.
DTICHAMELEON—to develop a comprehensive e-service on employment related regulations
DTIWeb based bankruptcy applications.
DFTe-Business Management Information and service delivery System for the Forum for Mobility Centres (MAVIS)
FCOe-administration for Chevening scholarship applications
HM Customs & ExciseDevelopment of a web-driven 'alert' system to push multi-department messages relevant to importers and exporters, directly to the target audience, improving Government-wide customer service.
Home OfficeRESTART Project—resettlement project designed to break the cycle of re-offending and custody of adult offenders.
Home OfficeThe Hope Project—targets prison inmates who have committed serial crime. The aim is to release offenders back into the community under close supervision, thereby, breaking the cycle of further drug abuse, and the commission of further crime
Home OfficeJoint National Asylum Service/UK Immigration Service to detect and deter illegal working by removing offenders and reducing fraud.
Home OfficeProject Vanguard—provision of e-communications on policing services that allows the public to transact e-business with the Kent Police Force
Home OfficeLost and Stolen Passport Database
Home OfficeProject PLX—pilot electronic link from the Criminal Records Bureau to police forces to enable enhanced disclosure checks.
Home OfficeIncreasing customer focus of the police service
Home OfficeSouth West Integration (SWING)—project to establish a pioneering dual prison/probation regional resettlement unit to help reduce prisoner re-offending
HM TreasuryBanking across the Chancellor's Departments
Lord Chancellor's DepartmentAccess to registered users to information held at the DVLA
Lord Chancellor's DepartmentReducing Offending Through Advice (ROTA)-providing social welfare and legal advice services to prisoners via intranet and video conferencing services to link prisoners with advice providers.
Lord Chancellor's DepartmentPilot for Child Contact Centre—to test arrangements designed to ensure that children and their families (where the parents relationship has ended) are referred to child contact centres.
Lord Chancellor's DepartmentElectronic Forms—improve access to civil and family justice for the citizen by providing an internet-based transaction channel to court forms.

Lead Partner


MODCritical rainfall thresholds for pluvial flooding.
MODTo demonstrate a non-invasive drug detection capability to improve drug detection in the UK.
ODPMTo modernise the system for revaluing business rates by using the Internet.
ODPMWebsite to provide businesses, individuals, local authorities and others with a path through ERDF information and application process and guidance on and State aid legislation.

Local Authorities

Blackburn with Darwen Borough CouncilPortable Intuitive Verbal Assessment tool (PIVAT)—to develop a portable assessment tool that will reduce duplication and delay and replace 'paper based' health and social care assessments.
Hampshire County CouncilImproving facilities for the public for notifying highway problems though the creation of a web based form and creation of an Interchange facility between Local authorities and Hampshire County Council.
London ConnectsDevelopment of a comprehensive and modular `e-democracy' tool kit. To enable London boroughs to consult citizens on-line on policy development and service planning.
Stockport Borough CouncilOn-line transactional counselling service
Southampton City CouncilElectronic co-ordination of inter-agency referral systems and some centralised aspects of service delivery for social care in Southampton
South Yorkshire Partnership Transport AuthorityRESPOND—pilot of a demand responsive transport service in an area of multiple deprivations in Rotherham
City of Sunderland CouncilAmalgamation of citizen's personal details held by various local public services, then providing capacity for individuals to access their own information on- line using digital signatures to ensure accuracy of information.
Westminster City CouncilProject to establish a database containing immigration and local authority information on unaccompanied asylum seeking children

Voluntary and Community Sector

Advice Sendee AllianceA pilot to test the use of on-line services to support a self-help approach to dealing with legal problems.
Bridgewater CollegeSkills for Life—a project to pilot a life skills initiative focused on first time offenders.
Charity Commission for E & WGuidestar UK-project to build a shared and accessible website reporting the activities, finances and performance of voluntary sector organisations
Construction Industry Training BoardElectronic testing and certification process for Gas Engineers.
Derby CollegeMore than on-line Registration (MOTOR)—to provide on-line attendance and achievement system accessible and responsive to learners. Registration data will be updated in the classroom enabling early warning of non-attendance.
Hampshire coalition of Disabled PeopleEquipment Direct-project to provide informed advice to disabled people about independence enabling equipment

Lead Partner


London Quadrant Housing TrustNeighbournet Housing Benefit Module—to establish the viability of automating the payment of housing benefit from local authority to registered social landlord.
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityArts in Health—to provide arts based products for the NHS to enhance patient care. Using art to promote public health.
National Children's BureauChildren's Centre project -brings together a consortium of children's charities in order to improve the quality of their current services, develop new joint services and prepare a common building.
NEL Workforce Development ConfederationRefugee Health Professionals—pilot project to develop a website to support health professionals who wish to re-qualify to work in the UK.
South East London Shared Services PartnershipLondon-Wide Child Protection on Line (CPoL)—to provide electronic access to social services child protection registers to NHS Hospitals across London.