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Deaths At Work

Volume 402: debated on Thursday 3 April 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many deaths at work there were in (a) the UK and (b) Buckinghamshire in 2002. [105702]

The number of deaths at work reported to the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities for 2002 is not yet confirmed. Provisional figures for 2001–02, as well as final figures for 2000–01 are as follows:

Table 1: The number of fatal injuries reported to HSE and local authorities 2000–01 to 2001–021
Member of the public444384
Table 2: The number of fatal injuries in Buckinghamshire1reported to HSE2and local authorities 2000–01 to 2001–021
Member of the public42
1 Provisional
2 County of Buckinghamshire identified by local authorities: Aylesbury; South Bucks; Chiltern; Wycombe and Milton Keynes Unitary Authority.


  • 1. The figures for Buckinghamshire do not cover the mining, offshore and railway industries. The figures are based on notifications from employers and others, which for these industries are assigned to a national or other basis and are not readily assignable to a particular county. The figures also do not cover chemical manufacturing industries due to the availability of data at county level from specific HSE information systems.
  • 2. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is enforced by HSE and local authorities in Great Britain only. Northern Ireland is not within HSE's jurisdiction.
  • 3. The figures only include fatal injuries reported to HSE and local authorities under the Reporting of Injuries. Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. They do not include numbers of deaths in work-related road traffic accidents, for example.
  • 4. The annual basis is the planning year from 1 April to 31 March.