Following Ministerial endorsement of the Ordnance Survey Corporate Business Plan 2003–06, the following Agency performance targets have been set for the financial year 2003–04:Ordnance Survey will report externally against a set of Agency Performance Monitors (APMs) as required of all Executives Agencies in government:1. To achieve a trading surplus before interest, dividends and exceptional items of £4.7 million for the financial year April 2003 to March 2004.2. To achieve an efficiency gain in our data collection activity averaging 4 per cent. per annum over the period April 2003 to March 2006.3. 99.6 per cent. of significant real world features are represented in the database within six months of completion.4. To achieve an increase in business with customers transacted through our e-channels:
7.5 per cent. for large and medium scales mapping products in the OS Options portfolio, ordered through the OS Options internet-based product delivery technology; and
5 per cent. for small scales mapping products ordered through the OS Leisure Map shop on the Ordnance Survey Web-site.
5. To continuously improve the timeliness of the supply of our data to customers with a success rate not lower than 90 per cent.
6. To reduce carbon emissions from Ordnance Survey Headquarters by 25 per cent. against the base year of 2000–01.
These targets reflect Ordnance Survey's continuing commitment to customers, improved value for money for all of its stakeholders, and commitment to Government policies.