To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what assessment she has made of the impact of the Part-Time Workers Directive on staff in the Department. [109271]
Following the implementation of the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations (2000) the my Department introduced flexible working policies which enhanced part-time work options.Job-sharing and job-splitting opportunities, access to a job-share register; and a wide range of reduced-hours arrangements form part of a comprehensive package of flexible work options available to all staff. My Department actively supports part-time staff through a Work-Life Balance Champion; a website; and a Carers Handbook. Staff working flexibly can express their views directly to senior management by way of a network for carers and at corporate diversity events.19.4 per cent. of staff in my Department currently work part-time (86.7 per cent. of whom are women, the majority caring for dependants) compared with 16.0 per cent. in 2001. Figures are published annually. Work-life balance responses have shown the greatest year on year improvement in Staff Attitude Surveys in the last two years.