To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many NHS vacancies there are for speech therapists in Northern Ireland. [111803]
As at 30 September 2002 there were speech and language therapy vacancies amounting to a whole time equivalent (WTE) of 12.5. Speech and language therapy vacancies detailed by the Trust are given in the table.
Trust | WTE1 |
Homefirst Community | 5 |
North and West Belfast | 2.5 |
Sperrin Lakeland | 0 |
Armagh and Dungannon | 2 |
Causeway | 1 |
Mater Hospital | 0 |
allocated a total of £6.6 million across the four Childcare Partnerships. Information regarding allocations to each district council area is not available. Details of Sure Start schemes funded through Childcare Partnerships in financial year 2002–03 are set out in Table 1 below:
Sure Start Scheme
| Childcare Partnership/ HSS Board Area
Inner City South Belfast | Eastern |
Inner City East Belfast | Eastern |
Shankill | Eastern |
Colin | Eastern |
Clan Mor (Falls) | Eastern |
Kids'n'Kin (Ardoyne/Oldpark) | Eastern |
Downpatrick | Eastern |
Lower Ards Peninsula | Eastern |
Newtownabbey | Northern |
Ballysally | Northern |
G-old (Cookstown) | Northern |
Close to Home (Dungannon) | Southern |
Clogher Valley | Southern |
Orana (Newry) | Southern |
Blossom (Portadown) | Southern |
Cherish (Irvinestown) | Western |
Dungiven | Western |
Creevagh/Springtown | Western |
Shantallow | Western |
LAST (Omagh) | Western |
Straband | Western |
Information on resources allocated by Boards and Trusts for Home Start schemes is also not available on a district council basis. Details of Home Start schemes supported by HSS Trusts in financial year 2002–03 are set out in Table 2 below.
| WTE1
United Hospitals Group | 0 |
Craigavon and Banbridge | 0 |
Altnagelvin | 0 |
Foyle (including Westcare) | 1 |
Royal Group of Hospitals | 0 |
Belfast City Hospital | 0 |
Newry and Mourne | 0 |
Craigavon Area Hospital | 0 |
Ulster Hospital | 0 |
Green Park | 1 |
South and East Belfast | 0 |
Total | 12.5 |
1 Whole time equivalent. |
The above figures do not include vacancy numbers from Down Lisburn HSS Trust.