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Eu Committees

Volume 405: debated on Monday 12 May 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if she will list (a) the names, titles and grades of the officials who sit on the EU Technical Adaptation Committee on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work, (b) the number of times, and the dates, on which it has met since January 2002, (c) the agenda items it has considered since January 2002, (d) the decisions it has made since January 2002 and (e) the means used to communicate the decisions to the House. [10303]

I have been asked to reply.European Council Directive 89/391/EEC on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work, makes provisions for committees to work on

Allications (£s Million)
GO North West1108117113116118
GO South West1424344
GO Yorkshire and Humberside1100102104
GO East Midlands22324363535
GO West Midlands2102106848280
GO East of England2151515
GO North East28285646565
GO London22324232323
GO South East244444
Northern Uplands5b11414
Highlands and Islands14144
Eastern Scotland23132292725
Western Scotland27173524947
South Scotland2677
Borders of Scotland5b144
Dumfries and Galloway5b166
Central Scotland/Tayside5b133
Northern Ireland1163176
West Wales and the Valleys1157161164
East Wales2141312
Industrial South Wales24951
Rural Wales5b12424
GB3315517See belowSee belowSee below

the purely technical adjustments to the individual Directives provided for in Article 16 (1) to take account of: the adoption of Directives in the field of technical harmonization and standardization; and/or technical progress, changes in international regulations or specifications, and new findings …

The UK representatives at such meetings would be drawn from staff with relevant technical and policy responsibilities within the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Since January 2002 HSE have received no invitations to such technical meetings; nor are HSE aware of any currently scheduled.