To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellors Department what plans the Lord Chancellor has to develop the use of postal voting in general elections; what criteria he will use to determine pilot constituencies; and if he will make a statement. [112368]
[holding answer 12 May 2003]: Postal voting on demand is available at all elections in Great Britain. Electoral pilot projects (including all postal voting pilots) can currently only be run at local elections. We are considering the results of this years local election pilots and the implications for the future. The independent Electoral Commission is currently evaluating all the electoral pilot projects which took place on 1 May. We will consider carefully their assessment and any recommendations they may make.
To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellors Department if he will introduce all-posting voting at general elections. [112369]
[holding answer 12 May 2003]: All postal voting is currently possible only in local elections. The independent Electoral Commission is currently evaluating all the electoral pilot projects which took place on 1 May, including the all-postal voting pilots. We will consider carefully their assessment and any recommendations they may make.