To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) if she will make a statement about the future of the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill; [112846](2) how many people work at the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill; and if she will make a statement; [112844](3) what representations she has received concerning the future of the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill; and if she will make a statement; [112843](4) what consultations she plans to hold over the future of the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill with
(a) staff and their representative bodies, (b) management and (c) the local community; and if she will make a statement. [112845]
[holding answers 12 May 2003]: The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) is MRC's largest institute and there are currently around 520 MRC employees with approximately 200 additional workers made up from short-term grant-funded posts, training fellows, students and visiting workers.No formal decision has been taken regarding the future of NIMR. The Medical Research Council is at present developing a long-term strategy for its major capital investments over the next 10–15 years including the NIMR. This is an issue for the MRC and I have not received any formal representations.DTI is not planning to carry out consultation, which is being done by the MRC. A document was released for general consultation on 4 April 2003 and local consultations include:
The FIS consultation document has been made widely available to all NIMR staff. A general notice was circulated to all NIMR staff addressing key questions arising from this exercise. Employees have been encouraged to respond via the NIMR Director's Office and/or local and national trade union representatives, they may also respond directly to Head Office.
The trade unions also met the FIS Subcommittee to discuss and comment on the over-arching strategy. The MRC Director of Human Resources met the trade unions to discuss the consultation document prior to its release.
NIMR management staff met recently (24 April) with MRC Senior Office Staff to discuss the implication of FIS for NIMR and it is anticipated that their views will also be reflected in NIMR's response to the consultation process.
Professor Radda wrote (on 4 April) to local MPs in all relevant locations offering meetings to discuss the strategy.
Results of the consultation will be considered at an MRC Council meeting in July 2003.