To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps have been taken to achieve moderate BSE status for the United Kingdom. [115268]
To achieve moderate risk status, the UK must provide evidence that it complies with World Animal Health Organisation (OEE) and EU rules. Essentially, there are three key areas where steps have been taken.First, the UK's normal veterinary surveillance and active monitoring programmes are in line with EU rules concerning effective surveillance systems for BSE.Secondly, the UK has implemented all EU legislation on TSEs in order to deal effectively with BSE risks.Thirdly, the UK's BSE incidence must be below the upper threshold for moderate status. This target was altered at the recent annual general meeting of the OIE for countries that have implemented active monitoring programmes, to 200 confirmed cases per million adult cattle. The consistent decline of the epidemic is steadily bringing the UK closer to this threshold.