To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the actions his Department, its agencies and non-departmental public bodies are taking to comply with the requirements of the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002; whether he has made an estimate of the cost of compliance; and if he will make a statement. [117710]
The Department of Health, its agencies and non-departmental public bodies have implemented a programme of investigations to establish the presence, type and condition of asbestos containing materials in its buildings where the Department has an obligation to repair or maintain the building. Where asbestos containing materials have been found to be present, or have been presumed to be present, the risk posed by the asbestos has been reassessed and any additional measures required have been introduced.Where the Department occupies premises but has no obligation to repair or maintain them, written information and documented proof is being sought from the owner/leaseholder.Any additional measures required are normally included as part of ongoing maintenance but the cost of current works planned total about £1.245 million.