To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the average size of grant awarded by the Scottish Land Fund has been in each year since its creation (a) including and (b) excluding awards in respect of feasibility studies. [118335]
The information is as follows:1.
(a) During its first full reporting year (April 2001 to March 2002), the Scottish Land Fund made 46 grants worth a total of £5,614,959, with an average grant size of £122,064.
(b) When technical assistance grants are excluded from the calculation, this average increases to £214,345.
2. (a) During its second full reporting year (April 2002 to March 2003), the Scottish Land Fund made 55 grants with a total value of £3,121,375, with an average grant size of £56,752.
(b) When technical assistance grants are excluded from the calculation, this average increases to £83,151.