To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the attacks on (a) the person and (b) the property of those involved in democratic politics in Northern Ireland since 1 January, broken down by (i) the nature of the attack, (ii) the weapon or amount and type of explosive used and (iii) the judgement of the PSNI as to the organisation responsible. [115898]
The Government unreservedly condemns all attacks on the democratic process. The following attacks were carried out on those involved in democratic politics since 1 January 2003:Northern Ireland. Current employment among these companies is 7,274 people, with a projected employment level of 9,831 by the end of 2004. The geographical breakdown of site locations is as follows: Belfast 16; Londonderry 3; Newry 3; Portadown 2; Bangor 2; Larne 1 and Armagh 1.