To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what public funding is available to extend the coverage of the CCTV network within (a) Belfast City Centre and (b) other parts of the South Belfast District Command Unit of PSNI. [111218]
The Government consider that CCTV has made a valuable contribution to tackling crime. We are currently exploring whether and how additional provision can be made for additional CCTV systems, especially in town centres and I hope to shortly be in a position to give further consideration to this.You will already be aware that three additional CCTVs were recently installed in south Belfast from funding secured from the business sector. Public funding was provided to support this scheme with the provision of radio's to local business premises.On 30 April the police announced the provision of five emergency contact points to be integrated into the CCTV system. These new contact points will permit the public to communicate, both verbally and through the CCTV camera, with the CCTV control room. If they are successful they should reduce the fear of crime.