To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment he has made of (a) the expected travel time savings for (i) public transport users and (ii) motorists and (b) the expected effect upon carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the implementation of each of the multi-modal study recommendations announced in his statement to the House of 10 December 2002, Official Report, columns 155–58; and if he will make a statement. [119136]
Assessments of travel time savings and carbon dioxide impacts for the multi-modal studies, on which we announced our conclusions in December 2002, were made by each study for the strategy as a whole rather than for individual schemes. Full assessments of travel time savings and carbon dioxide impacts of individual schemes will be produced by the relevant delivery agency as scheme proposals are developed in more detail. This work is currently in hand for the road schemes being taken forward by the Highways Agency.
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will place in the Library the advice he has received from (a) the Countryside Agency, (b) the Environment Agency, (c) English Heritage and (d) English Nature on the multi-modal studies that have (a) concluded and (b) are shortly to conclude. [119138]
The statutory environmental bodies have provided advice to study teams at various stages during the multi-modal study process. In addition, at the request of my Department, they have provided comments on the recommendations of the multi-modal studies which have issued final reports. Under part 2, paragraph 2 of the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information, this advice is confidential.
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects to make a statement on his decisions regarding the outstanding multi-modal studies. [119139]
We are currently considering the final report and recommendations from a number of multi-modal studies, together with the views of the respective regional planning bodies. We will make an announcement in due course.