To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what strategy he uses to disseminate good practice in the areas of (a) public consultation, (b) design, (c) implementation, (d) maintenance and (e) marketing of transport policies to (i) local authorities, (ii) public transport operators and (iii) other transport operators; and if he will make a statement. [119132]
My Department aims to ensure that all individuals and organisations who contribute to, or are affected by, the delivery of its objectives are supplied with the information they need. In order to do this, it uses a variety of means to communicate with local authorities, the transport industries and other stakeholders, appropriate to the information being communicated and the target audience. These include direct dealings with individual authorities, companies, representative regulators, and professional and trade bodies, including trade unions; issuing of policy and technical guidance notes and publication of research; sponsorship of and participation in consultative committees and advisory forums; and dissemination of all types of information by paid publicity, press, broadcasting and new media.