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Somali People

Volume 407: debated on Monday 16 June 2003

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To ask the Secretary of State for Health what estimates he has made of the number of Somali-speaking people who are (a) registered with GPs in each London health district and (b) the number who cannot be placed on the GPs' register. [117692]

Anyone who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom is entitled to register with a general practitioner for general medical senvices or with a personal medical services (PMS) pilot provider to receive PMS. A person is 'ordinarily resident' for this purpose if lawfully living in the UK for a settled purpose for at least six months. Anyone coming to live in this country on this basis would qualify as ordinarily resident.If a person is having difficulties registering with a GP, they should contact their local primary care trust (PCT), which will be able to provide a list of doctors to whom they can apply. PCTs also have the power to allocate a person to a GP.