To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs how many firms were franchised to carry out publicly funded legal work in 2000; and what the most recent corresponding figure is. [117525]
It is not possible to provide an answer to the question in the terms asked.The Legal Aid Board's 'Legal Aid Franchise Quality Assurance Standard' (LAFQAS), which is also known as a franchise, was replaced by the Legal Services Commission's (Legal Services Commission) Specialist Quality Mark (SQM) in April 2002. All franchised organisations were passported through to the SQM level. Solicitors' offices can hold both a General Civil and Criminal contract under these standards.As at 31 March 2000, 4,010 solicitors' offices and other organisations held franchises with the Legal Aid Board. As at 4 June 2003, 5,994 solicitors' offices and other organisations held the SQM.Solicitors' offices accounted for the majority of these organisations.